-400 Thucydides 28 ⏲︎ The Melian Dialogue
-139 Liu An 1 ⏲︎ The Lost Horse (es, zh)
161 Marcus Aurelius 2 ⏲︎ How Should You Be?
1798 G. W. F. Hegel 8 ⏲︎ The Magistrates Should Be Elected By The People (de)
1812 G. W. F. Hegel 13 ⏲︎ Dialectics (de)
1822 G. W. F. Hegel 17 ⏲︎ Reason Governs the World (de)
1843 Friedrich Engels 74 ⏲︎ Outlines of a Critique of Political Economy
1843 Karl Marx 13 ⏲︎ Marx to Ruge (de)
1844 Karl Marx 104 ⏲︎ Third Manuscript
1844 Karl Marx 55 ⏲︎ Critique of Hegel’s Dialectic and General Philosophy
1847 Friedrich Engels 48 ⏲︎ Principles of Communism
1849 Karl Marx 79 ⏲︎ Wage-Labour and Capital
1850 N. G. Chernyshevsky 84 ⏲︎ The Anthropological Principle in Philosophy
1855 N. G. Chernyshevsky 34 ⏲︎ The Aesthetic Relations of Art to Reality
1859 Karl Marx 11 ⏲︎ A few brief remarks regarding the course of my study of… (de)
1861 N. G. Chernyshevsky 13 ⏲︎ Compromise and Sacrifice (ru)
1863 N. G. Chernyshevsky 11 ⏲︎ The Hovel, the House, and the Palace
1865 Karl Marx 18 ⏲︎ On Proudhon (de)
1870 Joseph Dietzgen 134 ⏲︎ Six Sermons on Communism and Religion
1872 Friedrich Engels 8 ⏲︎ On Authority (de)
1872 Friedrich Engels 29 ⏲︎ On Interest, Rent, and Profit
1874 Karl Marx 13 ⏲︎ Conspectus of Bakunin’s Statism and Anarchy (de)
1875 Friedrich Engels 9 ⏲︎ Notes on Darwin
1877 Karl Marx 10 ⏲︎ Letter to Otechestvenniye Zapiski
1877 Friedrich Engels 3 ⏲︎ Freedom and Necessity (de)
1878 Friedrich Engels 12 ⏲︎ Two Discoveries: The Basis of Modern, Scientific Socialism
1879 Karl Marx 27 ⏲︎ Karl Marx interviewed by the Chicago Tribune
1880 Pavel Annenkov 25 ⏲︎ Marx Meets Weitling
1881 Friedrich Engels 9 ⏲︎ Social Classes: Necessary and Superfluous
1881 Friedrich Engels 8 ⏲︎ “A Fair Day’s Wages for a Fair Day’s Work”
1885 Friedrich Engels 16 ⏲︎ England in 1845 and in 1885
1889 Mark Twain 1 ⏲︎ The Two Terrors
1891 G. V. Plekhanov 71 ⏲︎ The Meaning of Hegel
1892 Friedrich Engels 8 ⏲︎ Neo-Kantian Agnosticism and “Shamefaced” Materialism
1894 Friedrich Engels 39 ⏲︎ Marx, Chernyshevsky, and Economic Stages in Russia
1897 V. I. Lenin 25 ⏲︎ The Sentimental Criticism of Capitalism
1897 Maxim Gorky 8 ⏲︎ The Billionaire
1897 V. I. Lenin 17 ⏲︎ A Fearlessness Worthy of a Better Cause
1898 G. V. Plekhanov 16 ⏲︎ The Difference Between Materialism and Kantianism
1901 V. I. Lenin 2 ⏲︎ Theses on Anarchism
1902 V. I. Lenin 16 ⏲︎ Engels on the Importance of Theoretical Struggle (ru)
1902 V. I. Lenin 70 ⏲︎ What Is To Be Done? (Abridged)
1904 J. V. Stalin 13 ⏲︎ Two Letters From Kutais
1905 J. V. Stalin 19 ⏲︎ Bolsheviks and Mensheviks
1906 V. I. Lenin 7 ⏲︎ Freedom to Criticize and Unity of Action
1907 J. V. Stalin 6 ⏲︎ Stalin’s Shoemaker (es)
1908 V. I. Lenin 14 ⏲︎ For the Benefit of Machian Muddleheads
1909 A. M. Kollontai 45 ⏲︎ The Social Basis of the Woman Question
1909 V. I. Lenin 28 ⏲︎ The Attitude of the Workers’ Party to Religion
1910 V. I. Lenin 7 ⏲︎ Tolstoy and the Modern Labour Movement
1911 V. I. Lenin 53 ⏲︎ The New Faction of Conciliators, or The Virtuous
1911 Lin Jue Min 11 ⏲︎ Lin Jue Min’s Farewell Letter to His Wife (zh)
1912 Maxim Gorky 13 ⏲︎ “Comrade!” (ru)
1913 V. I. Lenin 2 ⏲︎ Civilized Barbarism
1913 V. I. Lenin 3 ⏲︎ Capitalist Technology
1915 V. I. Lenin 8 ⏲︎ On the Question of Dialectics (ru)
1916 V. I. Lenin 19 ⏲︎ The Kievsky Mixtape
1916 V. I. Lenin 38 ⏲︎ Imperialism and the Split in Socialism
1916 Antonio Gramsci 7 ⏲︎ Socialism and Cooperation (it)
1917 Antonio Gramsci 9 ⏲︎ The Revolution against Das Kapital (it)
1917 V. I. Lenin 33 ⏲︎ Constitutional Illusions
1917 Wilfred Owen 1 ⏲︎ Dulce et Decorum Est
1918 V. I. Lenin 72 ⏲︎ “Left-Wing” Childishness
1919 Antonio Gramsci 16 ⏲︎ The State and Socialism (it, pt)
1919 Antonio Gramsci Palmiro Togliatti 10 ⏲︎ Workers’ Democracy (it)
1919 Anatoly Lunacharsky 93 ⏲︎ Revolutionary Silhouettes: Plekhanov, Lenin, Trotsky
1920 Antonio Gramsci 28 ⏲︎ The Communist Party
1920 V. I. Lenin M. N. Roy 27 ⏲︎ Theses on the National and Colonial Questions
1920 Antonio Gramsci 13 ⏲︎ An Address to Anarchists (it)
1921 Antonio Gramsci 3 ⏲︎ Real Dialectic (it)
1921 V. I. Lenin 3 ⏲︎ Concessions and the Development of Capitalism
1921 N. Krupskaya 21 ⏲︎ The Taylor System and the Organization of Work in Soviet… (ru)
1921 V. I. Lenin 91 ⏲︎ The New Economic Policy
1921 V. I. Lenin 5 ⏲︎ Letter to the New Republics
1922 Leon Trotsky 24 ⏲︎ Trotsky on “State Capitalism”
1922 N. Krupskaya 62 ⏲︎ The Organization of Self-Education
1922 V. I. Lenin 23 ⏲︎ On the Significance of Militant Materialism
1923 A. M. Kollontai 56 ⏲︎ Make Way for Winged Eros! (ru)
1925 Antonio Gramsci 7 ⏲︎ On Comrade Bordiga’s Sterile and Negative “Left” Criticism (it)
1926 Mao Zedong 18 ⏲︎ Analysis of the Classes in Chinese Society
1927 Mao Zedong 11 ⏲︎ The Overthrow of Religious Authority and the Eradication…
1928 Anatoly Lunacharsky 130 ⏲︎ Chernyshevsky’s Ethics and Aesthetics
1930 Harry Haywood 53 ⏲︎ Against Bourgeois-Liberal Distortions of Leninism on the…
1930 Antonio Gramsci 8 ⏲︎ “True” Philosophy (it)
1931 J. V. Stalin 38 ⏲︎ J. V. Stalin interviewed by Emil Ludwig
1931 Bhagat Singh 13 ⏲︎ Introduction to Dreamland
1931 Bhagat Singh 27 ⏲︎ Letter To Young Political Workers
1931 César Vallejo 8 ⏲︎ Duel Between Two Literatures (es)
1931 Bhagat Singh 15 ⏲︎ Our Opportunity
1932 Antonio Gramsci 52 ⏲︎ The Study of Philosophy and of Historical Materialism (it)
1932 Antonio Gramsci 26 ⏲︎ The Intellectual, the State, and the Political Party (it)
1932 Antonio Gramsci 2 ⏲︎ The Judgment of Past Philosophies (it)
1932 Antonio Gramsci 4 ⏲︎ The Movement and the Goal (it)
1933 N. Krupskaya 35 ⏲︎ How Lenin Studied Marx
1933 N. Krupskaya 13 ⏲︎ Ilyich’s Favourite Books
1934 J. V. Stalin 42 ⏲︎ J. V. Stalin interviewed by H. G. Wells
1934 N. Krupskaya 4 ⏲︎ General Rules for Independent Study
1935 M. J. Olgin 5 ⏲︎ The Social Basis and Logic of Trotskyism (pt)
1935 N. Krupskaya 16 ⏲︎ On Self-Education
1935 J. D. Bernal 52 ⏲︎ Engels and Science
1936 J. V. Stalin 9 ⏲︎ J. V. Stalin interviewed by Roy Howard
1936 Liu Shaoqi 14 ⏲︎ Closed-Doorism, Adventurism, and Phrase-Mongering
1936 Lu Xun 5 ⏲︎ Reply to a Letter from the Trotskyites
1937 Mao Zedong 93 ⏲︎ On Contradiction
1937 Christopher Caudwell 57 ⏲︎ The Birth of Poetry
1937 Mao Zedong 6 ⏲︎ Combat Liberalism (zh)
1937 D. S. Mirsky 49 ⏲︎ Romanticism (ru)
1937 J. D. Bernal 14 ⏲︎ Psychoanalysis and Marxism
1937 Mao Zedong 43 ⏲︎ On Practice
1938 J. V. Stalin 76 ⏲︎ Dialectical and Historical Materialism
1938 J. D. Bernal 25 ⏲︎ The Social Function of Science
1941 Mao Zedong 13 ⏲︎ Surveying a Complicated Environment
1942 Mao Zedong 82 ⏲︎ Talks at the Yan’an Forum on Literature and Art
1943 Zhou Enlai 1 ⏲︎ Guidelines for Myself (zh)
1943 György Lukács 59 ⏲︎ Hegel and the Nazis
1944 Jean-Paul Sartre 3 ⏲︎ How can one choose to reason falsely? (es, fr, in)
1945 Hồ Chí Minh 3 ⏲︎ Letter To Old People
1946 J. V. Stalin 6 ⏲︎ Stalin on Churchill
1949 J. V. Stalin 7 ⏲︎ Remarks to Enver Hoxha
1950 Deng Xiaoping 30 ⏲︎ The Question of Minority Nationalities in the Southwest
1950 Deng Xiaoping 18 ⏲︎ The Pen is a Major Tool (es)
1952 J. V. Stalin 50 ⏲︎ Remarks to Yaroshenko
1952 Frantz Fanon 12 ⏲︎ The Black Man and Hegel
1953 W. E. B. Du Bois 6 ⏲︎ On Stalin (pt)
1953 Robert Sheckley 18 ⏲︎ Ask a Foolish Question
1954 Che Guevara 10 ⏲︎ The American Working Class: Friend or Foe? (es)
1955 Aimé Césaire 87 ⏲︎ Discourse on Colonialism (fr)
1956 Mao Zedong 16 ⏲︎ We Must Unite All The Forces That Can Be United (es, pt, zh)
1957 Roland Barthes 5 ⏲︎ Blind and Dumb Criticism (es, fr)
1957 Hồ Chí Minh 11 ⏲︎ Why Do We Have To Study Theory?
1958 E. M. S. Namboodiripad 54 ⏲︎ The Meaning of Gandhism
1960 Hồ Chí Minh 4 ⏲︎ The Path Which Led Me To Leninism (de, es)
1960 Che Guevara 15 ⏲︎ On the Ideology of the Cuban Revolution (es, pt)
1961 Joseph Heller 1 ⏲︎ Clevinger
1961 E. H. Carr 58 ⏲︎ What is History?
1962 Che Guevara 14 ⏲︎ The Cadre: Backbone of the Revolution (es)
1964 Amílcar Cabral 51 ⏲︎ Brief Analysis of the Social Structure in Guinea
1964 Malcolm X 63 ⏲︎ Malcolm X interviewed by Robert Penn Warren
1964 Che Guevara 16 ⏲︎ On Work in Socialist Society (es)
1965 Fayez A. Sayegh 70 ⏲︎ Zionist Colonialism in Palestine
1965 Amílcar Cabral 12 ⏲︎ Tell No Lies, Claim No Easy Victories (pt)
1968 Huey P. Newton 10 ⏲︎ In Defense of Self-Defense
1968 Kwame Nkrumah 10 ⏲︎ The Welfare State and Collective Imperialism
1969 Kwame Ture 18 ⏲︎ The Pitfalls of Liberalism (es)
1970 Ellen Willis 8 ⏲︎ Women and the Myth of Consumerism
1970 Amílcar Cabral 46 ⏲︎ National Liberation and Culture (pt)
1970 Amílcar Cabral 25 ⏲︎ Lenin and the National Liberation Struggle (pt)
1970 Huey P. Newton 6 ⏲︎ The Women’s Liberation and Gay Liberation Movements
1970 Walter Rodney 28 ⏲︎ The Imperialist Partition of Africa
1972 Jo Freeman 42 ⏲︎ The Tyranny of Stucturelessness
1972 Walter Rodney 8 ⏲︎ Fascism at Home and Colonialism Abroad
1972 Franco Solinas 24 ⏲︎ Interview about The Battle of Algiers
1973 Leila Khaled 5 ⏲︎ Anarchism vs. Nationalism in Palestine
1975 Walter Rodney 43 ⏲︎ Marxism in Africa
1976 Ernest Mandel 47 ⏲︎ The Mystery of the Origin of Profit, Interest, and Rent
1977 J. W. Freiberg 86 ⏲︎ The Dialectic in China: Maoist and Daoist
1977 Qi Xin 91 ⏲︎ The Rise and Fall of the Gang of Four
1977 Qi Xin 41 ⏲︎ Theory and the Gang of Four
1977 Deng Xiaoping 36 ⏲︎ Excerpts from “A Poisonous Weed”
1979 Deng Xiaoping 10 ⏲︎ The People Need Art, But Art Needs The People Even More
1980 Deng Xiaoping 72 ⏲︎ Deng Xiaoping interviewed by Oriana Fallaci
1980 Isaac Asimov 37 ⏲︎ Isaac Asimov on 1984
1981 Deng Xiaoping 12 ⏲︎ Concerning Problems in Literature and Art (zh)
1982 Paola Tabet 146 ⏲︎ Hands, Tools, Weapons
1982 CC of the CPC 52 ⏲︎ On the Question of Religion
1982 Sean Sayers 82 ⏲︎ Materialism, Realism, and the Theory of Reflection
1984 Sean Sayers 67 ⏲︎ Marxism and the Dialectical Method: A Critique of G. A. Cohen
1984 Steven Smith 86 ⏲︎ Reading Althusser: The Structural Science of History
1985 Deng Xiaoping 10 ⏲︎ Reform is the only way for China to develop its productive forces
1985 Deng Xiaoping 4 ⏲︎ Bourgeois Liberalization Means Taking the Capitalist Road
1985 Colin Darch 37 ⏲︎ The Myth of Nestor Makhno
1986 Xue Muqiao 58 ⏲︎ Objective Laws of Socialist Economic Development
1987 Assata Shakur 13 ⏲︎ Excerpts from An Autobiography
1989 Xi Jinping 16 ⏲︎ On the Relationship Between The Arts and Politics (zh)
1990 Xi Jinping 4 ⏲︎ Water Droplets Drilling Through Rock
1990 Nelson Mandela 51 ⏲︎ Nelson Mandela at the City College of New York
1991 Fidel Castro 49 ⏲︎ Fidel Castro in Guadalajara (es, gr)
1991 Francisco Martins Rodrigues 7 ⏲︎ Communist Action in Low Tide (pt)
1991 Domenico Losurdo 17 ⏲︎ Radical Antimodernism and Nonactuality: Nietzsche and Heidegger
1992 Deng Xiaoping 40 ⏲︎ Marxism is a Science
1992 Michael Parenti 62 ⏲︎ Against Psychopolitics
1992 Leslie Feinberg 65 ⏲︎ Transgender Liberation: A Marxist View
1993 Fidel Castro 26 ⏲︎ Fidel Castro interviewed by Jas Gawronski (it, pt)
1993 Shirley Galloway 15 ⏲︎ John Stuart Mill’s On Liberty: Only for the…
1994 Iain M. Banks 57 ⏲︎ A Few Notes on the Culture
1996 Catharine A. MacKinnon 30 ⏲︎ From Practice to Theory, or What is a White Woman Anyway?
1996 Michael Parenti 11 ⏲︎ Dividends Are Not Royalties
1997 Michael Parenti 70 ⏲︎ Anticommunism & Wonderland (tr)
1998 Helena Sheehan 38 ⏲︎ Grand narratives then and now: Can we still conceptualise…
1999 Domenico Losurdo 124 ⏲︎ Flight from History? The Communist Movement between…
1999 Ishay Landa 59 ⏲︎ Nietzsche, the Chinese Worker’s Friend
2000 Assata Shakur 40 ⏲︎ Assata Shakur interviewed by Pastors For Peace
2000 Alex Steiner 116 ⏲︎ The Case of Martin Heidegger: Philosopher and Nazi
2000 Wadi’h Halabi 19 ⏲︎ The Material Basis for Revolutionary Optimism
2000 Domenico Losurdo 18 ⏲︎ The Celebration of Nature and the Ideology of Reactionism (es, gr)
2001 Domenico Losurdo 32 ⏲︎ Zionism and the Tragedy of the Palestinian People (it)
2002 Michael Parenti 18 ⏲︎ Global Rollback: After Communism
2003 Michael Parenti 53 ⏲︎ Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth (gr, pt)
2003 Ann Robertson 70 ⏲︎ The Philosophical Roots of the Marx-Bakunin Conflict
2003 Michael Parenti 53 ⏲︎ The Logic of U.S. Intervention
2004 John Kessel 58 ⏲︎ Creating the Innocent Killer: Ender’s Game,…
2004 R. L. Trask 72 ⏲︎ Where do mama/papa words come from?
2004 Domenico Losurdo 99 ⏲︎ What is Fundamentalism?
2004 Domenico Losurdo 60 ⏲︎ Preemptive War, Americanism, and Anti-Americanism
2004 Domenico Losurdo 77 ⏲︎ Towards a Critique of the Category of Totalitarianism
2004 Harry Kelber 79 ⏲︎ AFL-CIO’s Dark Past
2005 Humphrey McQueen 80 ⏲︎ Reading the “Unreadable” Marx
2005 Ishay Landa 89 ⏲︎ Aroma and Shadow: Marx vs. Nietzsche on Religion
2005 Joseph McCarney 19 ⏲︎ Myths About Ideology and False Consciousness in Marx and Engels
2006 Stephen Houlgate 14 ⏲︎ Hegel’s Views on Language
2007 Domenico Losurdo 30 ⏲︎ Lenin and Herrenvolk Democracy
2007 S. B. 14 ⏲︎ The Ad Hominem Fallacy Fallacy
2007 Domenico Losurdo 7 ⏲︎ Losurdo interviewed by Eychart (fr)
2008 Sundiata Acoli 15 ⏲︎ A Brief History of the Black Panther Party and Its Place…
2008 Domenico Losurdo 92 ⏲︎ How to Cast a God into Hell: The Khrushchev Report
2008 Fred Clark 37 ⏲︎ False Witnesses
2008 José Saramago 4 ⏲︎ The Acid Test (pt)
2009 Alain Badiou 1 ⏲︎ An Adventure of Persistence (fr)
2009 Domenico Losurdo 31 ⏲︎ Domenico Losurdo interviewed about Friedrich Nietzsche (de)
2009 Harrison Fluss 13 ⏲︎ Did Marx Believe in Teleology?
2010 Prabhat Patnaik 57 ⏲︎ Socialism or Reformism?
2010 Domenico Losurdo 51 ⏲︎ Marx Against Hegel? Idealism, Materialism, and History as… (de, it)
2010 Domenico Losurdo 49 ⏲︎ The International Origins of Nazism
2011 Ishay Landa 55 ⏲︎ Who’s Afraid of the End of History? (es)
2011 Domenico Losurdo 30 ⏲︎ Primitive Thinking and Stalin as Scapegoat (fr, it)
2011 Domenico Losurdo 8 ⏲︎ From Opium Wars to Oil Wars (it)
2012 Kom Kunyosying Carter Soles 84 ⏲︎ Postmodern Geekdom as Simulated Ethnicity
2012 Jefferson Mao 24 ⏲︎ Robert Christgau, Das Racist, and Something About Youth Culture
2012 Domenico Losurdo 34 ⏲︎ Domenico Losurdo interviewed about Liberalism: A… (es)
2012 Júlia Garraio 46 ⏲︎ Hordes of Rapists: The Instrumentalization of Sexual…
2012 Eileen Jones 10 ⏲︎ Mumblecore Millennialism and Me
2012 Domenico Losurdo 30 ⏲︎ Between Liberty and Slavery: The Tangled Paradox of Liberalism
2012 Roland Boer 18 ⏲︎ Sectarianism vs. Ecumenism: The Case of Lenin (es)
2012 Domenico Losurdo 16 ⏲︎ Stalin and Stalinism in History (fr)
2013 Red Maistre 38 ⏲︎ On Identitarianism: A Defense of a Strawman (es, gr)
2013 Stephen Gowans 37 ⏲︎ The Revolution Will Not Be Televised… Nor Will It Be… (gr)
2013 S. B. 17 ⏲︎ The Banality of Genius
2013 Tressie McMillan Cottom 13 ⏲︎ The Logic of Stupid Poor People
2013 Xi Jinping 25 ⏲︎ Regarding the Construction of Socialism with Chinese… (zh)
2013 S. B. 25 ⏲︎ Ways of Objectifying
2014 Arundhati Roy 4 ⏲︎ The NGO-ization of Resistance (es)
2014 Glen Ford 6 ⏲︎ Imperialism’s Death Spiral
2014 Augustus Carmichael 9 ⏲︎ Domenico Losurdo’s Hegel and the Freedom of Moderns
2014 Kevin Simler 38 ⏲︎ Ads Don’t Work That Way
2015 Tarzie 39 ⏲︎ White Supremacy and Magic Paper (gr)
2015 Rogney Piedra 24 ⏲︎ The Theodicy of Marxism: Anti-Engelsianism and its… (es)
2015 Artem Khurshudov 15 ⏲︎ Suddenly, a leopard print sofa appears…
2015 J. W. Mason 20 ⏲︎ The Relationships Between Capitalists
2016 Lori Watson 22 ⏲︎ The Woman Question
2016 Domenico Losurdo 51 ⏲︎ Domenico Losurdo interviewed by Matteo Gargani (gr, it)
2016 Nia Frome 2 ⏲︎ On Jargon
2016 Deepa Kumar 46 ⏲︎ Imperialist Feminism
2016 Ian Paul Wright 93 ⏲︎ The Transformation Problem
2017 Sam Kriss 2 ⏲︎ What is “neoliberalism”? (gr)
2017 Christian Thorne 20 ⏲︎ Marx’s Philosophical Context (es)
2017 William C. Roberts 62 ⏲︎ What Was Primitive Accumulation? Reconstructing the Origin…
2017 Domenico Losurdo 31 ⏲︎ Domenico Losurdo interviewed by Opera Magazine (pt)
2017 Domenico Losurdo 60 ⏲︎ Has China Turned to Capitalism? Reflections on the… (gr)
2018 Roderic Day 3 ⏲︎ Cults & Miracles (gr)
2018 Lz. A. 89 ⏲︎ A Brief History of American Vigilantism
2018 Ishay Landa 84 ⏲︎ The Negation of Abnegation: Marx on Consumption
2018 Walter Rodney 54 ⏲︎ The Two World Views of the Russian Revolution
2018 Xi Jinping 46 ⏲︎ Xi on Marx
2018 Nia Frome 16 ⏲︎ Long, Queer Revolution
2018 Lz. A. 96 ⏲︎ On Anthony Bourdain
2018 Emiliano Alessandroni 34 ⏲︎ On Lenin’s Philosophical Notebooks (it)
2018 Michael Roberts 17 ⏲︎ Marx and Keynes in Berlin
2018 Brandon Hogan 49 ⏲︎ Frantz Fanon’s Engagement with Hegel’s Master-Slave Dialectic
2018 AROC 28 ⏲︎ Thoughts on the Marxist Center Conference
2019 Nia Frome 4 ⏲︎ Marketing Socialism (gr)
2019 Xi Jinping 20 ⏲︎ Dialectical Materialism Is the Worldview and Methodology…
2019 A. B. Abrams 84 ⏲︎ Economic War on Asia: South Korea and the Asian Tigers
2019 Ziwu 48 ⏲︎ Emergency Measures: Mao-Era Computer Development and Huawei (zh)
2020 Roderic Day 26 ⏲︎ Why Marxism? (es, gr)
2020 Nia Frome 8 ⏲︎ “Tankies” (es, gr, it, pt, ru)
2020 Sobrina de Alguien 18 ⏲︎ Men value my opinion (es, gr)
2020 Jones Manoel 17 ⏲︎ Western Marxism, the Fetish for Defeat, and Christian Culture (de, es, fr, gr, it, pt, tr)
2020 Bob Page 6 ⏲︎ The American’s Job (gr)
2020 Roderic Day 9 ⏲︎ Two Peruvian Constitutions (es, gr)
2020 Roderic Day 21 ⏲︎ On Orwell (gr)
2020 Roderic Day 32 ⏲︎ On Chomsky (gr)
2020 Lovelass and Others 4 ⏲︎ On Bracketing: Pugilistic Lessons for the Left
2020 Louis Allday 12 ⏲︎ This is not an aberration; violence is central to the…
2020 Sun Feiyang 38 ⏲︎ When the Sky Refuses to Fall: Xu Zhangrun’s Viral…
2020 Nia Frome 20 ⏲︎ An Extremely Condensed Summary of Capital
2020 Charlotte Baumann 76 ⏲︎ Was Hegel an Authoritarian Thinker? Reading Hegel’s…
2020 Marcie Smith 32 ⏲︎ How Gene Sharp’s Neoliberal Nonviolence Shaped the Left
2020 Michael Roberts 19 ⏲︎ Marx’s Law of Value: A Critique of David Harvey
2020 Esperanza Fonseca 61 ⏲︎ A Socialist, Feminist, and Transgender Analysis of “Sex Work”
2021 Caio Andrade 18 ⏲︎ Geopolitics and human rights: from liberal historical… (pt)
2021 Roderic Day 22 ⏲︎ Everyday Subkulak
2021 Nia Frome 6 ⏲︎ The Swerve (es, it, se)
2021 Roderic Day 15 ⏲︎ The Virtual Factory
2021 Nia Frome 11 ⏲︎ Two Cthulhus
2021 Sun Feiyang Roderic Day 31 ⏲︎ Another View of Tiananmen (pt)
2021 Yu Kuang 20 ⏲︎ What Can We Learn from the Texas Snowstorm Disaster?
2021 Roderic Day 51 ⏲︎ The Xinjiang Atrocity Propaganda Blitz
2021 Roderic Day 50 ⏲︎ China Has Billionaires (de, gr, it, pt)
2021 Roderic Day 9 ⏲︎ Stalinists and Feminazis
2021 Nia Frome 13 ⏲︎ On Dialectics, or How to Defeat Enemies (es)
2021 Roderic Day 17 ⏲︎ “Brainwashing” (it)
2021 Roderic Day 6 ⏲︎ On Crypto
2021 Jiang Shigong 47 ⏲︎ A History of Empire Without Empire (zh)
2021 Nia Frome 7 ⏲︎ 18 Theses on Aristocratic Marxism (es)
2021 Roderic Day 88 ⏲︎ Really Existing Fascism (gl, gr, it, pt)
2021 Roderic Day 5 ⏲︎ Understanding Lenin
2021 Xi Jinping 14 ⏲︎ Democracy is Not an Ornament
2021 Pedro Marin 19 ⏲︎ A Cuban Quixote: Alberto Bayo (es)
2021 J. W. Mason 16 ⏲︎ Making Capitalism Great Again? A Critique of the “Rentier…
2021 Matt Sharpe 16 ⏲︎ Domenico Losurdo’s Nietzsche, the Aristocratic Rebel
2021 Hub Zwart 27 ⏲︎ The Empirical and the Holistic Turn: A Hegelian Dialectics…
2021 Michael Roberts 53 ⏲︎ The Modern Monetary Trick
2022 Nia Frome 20 ⏲︎ Losurdo and Roberts
2022 Chen Xianyi 10 ⏲︎ This is a Great Struggle (se, zh)
2022 Roderic Day 3 ⏲︎ “Potato Sack” History
2022 Jones Manoel 41 ⏲︎ A Critical Read of Animal Farm
2022 Roderic Day 7 ⏲︎ Self-interested Anti-imperialism
2022 Roderic Day 18 ⏲︎ What is Dialectics?
2022 Nia Frome 12 ⏲︎ So you’ve decided you want to abolish the value-form. Now what?
2022 Jorge Arreaza 11 ⏲︎ Being Chavista (es)
2022 Sobrina de Alguien 18 ⏲︎ The Narrative Devices of Criticism: Capital vs.… (es)
2022 Roderic Day 76 ⏲︎ Masses, Elites, and Rebels: The Theory of “Brainwashing” (es, se)
2022 Joe Emersberger 18 ⏲︎ Mein Kampf: Hitler’s Love Letter to Western Imperialism
2022 Humphrey McQueen 40 ⏲︎ From Hegel to Lenin
2022 Roderic Day 9 ⏲︎ Why Read Chernyshevsky?
2022 Nia Frome Roderic Day c.a. 9 ⏲︎ Some Parables and Metaphors
2022 Nia Frome 30 ⏲︎ On the Abolition/Preservation of the State
2022 Roderic Day 4 ⏲︎ Artifacts and Blockbusters
2022 Roderic Day 6 ⏲︎ All Stories Are True (es)
2022 Roderic Day 24 ⏲︎ On Hegel
2022 Roderic Day 22 ⏲︎ “Black Ribbon Day” and “Double Genocide” in Canada
2022 Prabhat Patnaik 9 ⏲︎ Sanctions within a Regime of Neo-Liberalism
2022 Wang Weiguang 5 ⏲︎ The Evaluation of Stalin is Essentially an Ideological Struggle (es, zh)
2022 Zhenli 34 ⏲︎ Daniel Burke and the LaRouche Cult
2023 Alice Malone 31 ⏲︎ Concessions (gr)
2023 Roderic Day 11 ⏲︎ Dialectics and “Artificial Intelligence”
2023 Roderic Day 8 ⏲︎ Diodes
2023 L. Seifullina 2 ⏲︎ A Lenin Folktale (ru)
2023 Roderic Day 3 ⏲︎ Nihilistic Resignation
2023 Roderic Day 95 ⏲︎ Communist Self-Confidence
2023 Jones Manoel 14 ⏲︎ Reformists, Revolutionaries, and Social Liberals (pt)
2023 Nia Frome 11 ⏲︎ The Constitution: A Bulwark Against Democracy
2023 Roderic Day 4 ⏲︎ A Way To Think About Writing (es, ru)
2023 Roderic Day Sun Feiyang 15 ⏲︎ Speculative Attacks and Financial Crises in the 1990s
2023 Nia Frome 20 ⏲︎ How is it to be done?
2023 Roderic Day 8 ⏲︎ Commodity Fetishism (es)
2023 Alice Malone 17 ⏲︎ Labour and Labour-Power
2023 Roderic Day 12 ⏲︎ On Losurdo’s Stalin
2023 Sobrina de Alguien 12 ⏲︎ Why can’t we be friends? (es)
2023 Yin Zhiguang 22 ⏲︎ For Israel, the Palestinians are tools that can be… (zh)
2023 Roderic Day 13 ⏲︎ Infiltration, Incompetence, and Philosophy
2023 S. Altay M. Berriche A. Acerbi 62 ⏲︎ Misinformation on Misinformation: Conceptual and…
2023 Pol Clarissou 52 ⏲︎ Artisanal Intelligence: What’s the Deal with “AI” Art?
2024 Roderic Day 7 ⏲︎ On Three Short Stories
2024 Roderic Day 12 ⏲︎ The Syllogism
2024 Nia Frome 63 ⏲︎ The Problem of Recognition in Transitional States, or…
2024 Alice Malone 42 ⏲︎ Elisabeth’s Nietzsche
2024 Roderic Day 23 ⏲︎ The Case for Socialized Ownership
2024 Roland Boer 42 ⏲︎ Let a Hundred Flowers Bloom: My Experience of China Today